
ADIafrica International Summit on Circular Economy and Sustainability (IASCES)

4th – 5th November, 2022.

Organised by
Africa Global Development for Positive Change Initiative
In collaboration with:
Supported by:

Mission and Vision

According to the definition broadly accepted in the academic world circular economy is an economy “restorative and regenerative by design. In a circular economy, there are two kinds of material cycles: biological, capable of being reintegrated into the biosphere, and technical, destined to be re-valorized without entering the biosphere.”. Circular Economy, Sustainability and Regeneration are, therefore, very closely connected and widely accepted key terms defining a new framework and gradually constitute the goals of any economic development. One can understand the exponential growth in the demand for activities, research, practices, policies, and information regarding these terms by querying now Google search engine about circular economy showing around 8.65 million results, a surprising result, considering that in April 2015 an identical search only yielded 471,000 results. An urgency in both investigative and academic research and texts show lively interest around this new macroeconomic framework and set of goals. Many conferences are now organized worldwide to address these issues from an academic viewpoint. IASCES summit on Circular Economy, Sustainability and Regeneration is planned to uniquely create an international platform for fostering high quality discussions in depth between experts, academics, practitioners, industries, businesses, entrepreneurs, policy makers and all actors involved in this new framework. The aim is to create synergies and collaborations between all these actors in an international level. It comprises of a series of events as international conferences. Currently the two main events organized at Leuven, Belgium are ICAWW (INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ADIAFRICA WASTE TO WEALTH) and ICASRA (INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ADIAFRICA SUSTAINABLE AND REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE).



Mission and Vision

ICAWW series of International Conferences aims at addressing all major topics of transforming exhausted utilities into valuable commodities through efficient waste management. Generating wealth from waste has been recognized as a major challenge for all international organizations, for all countries in the globe, their governments, and their respective organizations. Moreover, this series of conferences aims at addressing in depth all issues and challenges in the application of circular economy and sustainability model in the world economy. These conferences are planned to create an international platform for fostering discussions in depth between experts, academics, practitioners, industries as well as policy makers in the field of efficient waste management and transformation to wealth via innovative waste-to-wealth industrial frameworks towards zero waste solutions and moreover, to contribute in depth in the discussions of circular economy and sustainability models realization.

The 2022 ICAWW International Conference from Waste to Wealth is targeted to become the premier forum for the presentation of technological advances, research results, new products, projects, and policies as well as successful case studies for transforming waste to wealth and developing sustainable circular economy worldwide.
The aim is to create synergy between academy, business, and policymaking in the field of turning waste into wealth. Representatives of businesses and organizations, engineers and scientists from industry, government and policy makers, academia professors, researchers and students who want to report novel scientific results, case studies, good practices, technological and commercial products advancements in the multidisciplinary areas of waste to wealth developments, circular economy and sustainability progresses are invited to attend the ICAWW Conference and interact with major worldwide experts.

  1. Advances, new solutions and challenges in the management of Liquid waste, Solid Waste, Organic Waste, Recyclable Waste and hazardous Waste.
  2. Research and policy making advances and challenges regarding UNEP Eight Issues of Concern for Chemicals and Waste Management.
  3. Current issues in Circular Economy and Sustainability
  4. The Circular Economy: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of the Concept and Application in a Global Context.
  5. Review of the circular economy concept and the expected transition to a balanced interplay of environmental and economic systems.
  6. Closed-loop production systems – sustainable supply chain approaches
  7. How circular is the global economy? Proposed Metrics and Assessment of material flows, E- waste flows, waste production, and recycling in the European Union and the world
  8. Effectiveness of the policy of circular economy in the world, overview of the progress and challenges
  9. 5R framework application in waste management: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Refuse and Respond. Engineering and policy making challenges and roadmap
  10. Green chemistry, catalysis, and valorization of waste biomass.
  11. Current options for the valorization of food manufacturing waste
  12. Sustainability and in situ monitoring in battery and critical products development.
  13. New perspectives in Waste biorefinery models towards sustainable circular bio-economy
  14. Bio-derived materials as a green route for critical metal recovery and re-use.
  15. Recovery and recycling of lithium and other critical materials
  16. Overview and description of technologies for recovering important in production chemical substances from wastewater.
  17. Product services for a resource-efficient and circular economy
  18. Creating integrated business and environmental value within the context of circular economy and ecological modernization.
  19. New Business models for circular economy, Product design and business model strategies for a circular economy.
  20. Efficient Waste management and transformation to wealth engineering solutions and challenges.
  21. Efficient Waste management and challenges for policy making.
  22. Innovative industrial level waste transformations into wealth and their applications.
  23. Value Based Recoveries from Waste Streams and Interdisciplinary Focusing on Waste to Wealth.
  24. Integration of climate change and circular economy.
  25. The above subtopics are indicative. The participants could also prepare presentations in close or interdisciplinary areas.


Mission and Vision

ICASRA is an International Conference on Sustainable and Regenerative Agriculture, Environment, and the Markets. Through the years it has been understood that Agriculture has a significant environmental footprint. It is linked with approximately one third of global land use and it is one of the main reasons for land use change globally including destructive changes in biodiverse ecosystems. Food production, according to recent research, is also allied with 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time, global food needs are expected to grow, as a result of increases both in population and in per capita demand. In response to these various pressures, many actors are seeking more sustainable ways of producing food in ways that are not only sustainable but with minimum environmental footprint. Therefore, there is growing demand for sustainability and regeneration through applying new methodologies, techniques, and practices. It aims at establishing a series of premier events and forums for the presentation of new advances, policies, best practices, and research results in the fields of theoretical, experimental, and applied Sustainable and Regenerative Agriculture, related, also, to the fields of Environmental and economic viability (including Entrepreneurship) as well as related to the field of Markets Development (including Supply Chain Management and Quality Control). These conferences will bring together leading researchers, engineers, scientists, practitioners, farmers, and policy makers in the above domains of activity from around the world. ICASRA series of premium events aims at gradually covering, mainly, but not limited to, the following list of topics of interest. This first conference will be organized through research paper presentations of invited speakers and experts regarding this major list of themes.

  1. Pollution control technologies in sustainable agriculture, Air Pollution and Control, Emission sources, Atmospheric modeling and simulations, Zero-Emissions Freight Transport and Transportation issues
  2. Integrated Pest Management (IPM), Agro-Food Safety, Addressing Food Insecurity, Nutrition and Sustainable Diets, Food traceability and safety
  3. Advances in Biotechnology for sustainable and regenerative agriculture, Advances in biological, physical and chemical processes related to sustainable and regenerative agriculture, Crop Biology and Sustainability, Genetically Modified Crops.
  4. Advances in Machinery for modern sustainable agriculture including Robotics, New technologies in Agriculture including improved surveillance (sensor networks, satellite and drones imaging). Advances in Fertilizers for sustainable and regenerative agriculture, Technological Innovation in Agriculture, Precision Agriculture (SSM)
  5. Controlled Environment Agriculture (CEA), Agroecology and Ecosystem Services, Agrotourism, Agroforestry, Climate-Smart Food Systems, Food and agriculture Waste Management
  6. Advances in Irrigation solutions and relevant optimized systems, Water Use Efficiency, Water Quality Management
  7. Agricultural Development and Management including Rural development, Agricultural and Animals Husbandry based economy, Animals Husbandry and Sustainability including but not limited to Animals feeding quality. Industrialization and Processing of animal products. Livestock and poultry house construction and facilities engineering. Animal production technologies. Veterinary epidemic prevention systems. Animal health and welfare. Farm efficient management. Aquaculture, Aquatic Foods
  8. Environmental Restoration and Ecological Engineering related to sustainable agriculture, including: Biodiversity conservation. Landscape degradation and restoration. Ground water remediation. Soil decontamination. Conservation Tillage. Soil Nutrient Management. Environmental monitoring.
  9. Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Biofuels.
  10. Industrialization, packaging and Quality Control, Value-Based Supply Chains, International trade, marketing, markets development problems, exportation issues, Institutional Sustainable Food Procurement, Legal Issues, International Agreements and Policy Making in sustainable and regenerative agriculture
  11. Farming for sustainable and regenerative agriculture, Organic Farming, Biologically Integrated Farming Systems, Urban Agriculture including vertical farming advances
  12. Food and Agricultural Employment
  13. Health related issues to sustainable and regenerative agriculture
  14. Sustainable and regenerative agriculture Training and Education, Nutrition & Food Systems Education
In the frame of the summit there will be:
1. Keynote speakers from the world of academia, business and policy making
2. Oral Paper presentation of academic research
3. Poster presentations of academic research
4. Plenary video or powerpoint presentations of innovative businesses and organizations

Academic Research Papers

All papers and reports will be peer reviewed by the international committee. Well defined Novelty and Contribution in the fields of the conference will be the primary criteria for acceptance of the intended submissions.

All accepted and presented papers and case studies/project reports will be published as extended abstracts in the conference proceedings with ISBN Number, indexed by Google Scholar and submitted for indexing to other indices too as well as they will be permanently online in the ICAWW/ICASRA conferences website.

After the conference the authors of only registered and presented papers will have the opportunity to submit their corresponding full paper for publication at IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (IOP EES), (https://iopscience.iop.org/journal/1755-1315), indexed in SCOPUS and Web of Science (https://publishingsupport.iopscience.iop.org/questions/proceedings-are-abstracted-in/) after undergoing a fast and extra peer-reviewing process. In addition, Extended versions, at least 50% different in content, of the latter full paper submitted for publication at IOP EES could be submitted to the planned special issues too in journals, including SCOPUS/SCIE journals.

The following list of special issues will be updated shortly:

  1. Special issues: Advances in Material Research For Zero Waste And Circular Economy, in the journals KEM/MSF/SSP/DDF/AMR/AMM/EI/AEF (KEM/MSF/SSP/DDF – SCOPUS/SCIE journals 70 EUR/paper publication fee, AMR/AMM/EI/AEF – free of charge online publication) https://www.scientific.net/
  2. Special Issue: Advances in Waste to Wealth Engineering and Management Sustainable Developments towards Circular Economy, https://spast.org/ojspath/announcement/view/18, journal Sustainable Solutions and Society, https://www.spast.org/index.php/ojspath/index
  3. Papers minimum 13 pages and over will be considered for publication in the Social Sciences Bulletin. More information can be found here: https://old.du.lv/en/research/scientific-periodicals/social-sciences-bulletin/

CONTRIBUTIONS SUBMISSION GUIDELINES can be found on our website by clicking the button below. Papers should be maximum 20 pages and presentations maximum 15mins. SUBMISSION LINK for papers: https://conferences.uoa.gr/event/44/overview.

Timetables and Deadlines
  • 30 September, 2022: Short abstract (500 words) of paper or video presentation
  • Before 10 October, 2022: Notification of Acceptance for inclusion in the book of extended abstracts and permanent presence in the conference website
  • 30 October, 2022: Extended Abstracts (minimum, 1500 words and max 2500 words) Submission Deadline for inclusion in the conference proceedings with ISBN Number, Google Scholar Indexing and being permanently online in the ICAWW/ICASRA conferences website
  • 30 October, 2022: video or PowerPoint presentations and exhibitions Submission Proposal Deadline
  • 30 November, 2022: Full papers Submission deadline, of the registered and presented only at the conference papers for possible publication at IOP EES conference proceedings as well as at several journal special issues planned after peer reviewing.
  • 10 December 2022: Notification of Acceptance of full papers
  • 30 December 2022: Camera Ready Full Papers submission deadline for IOP EES and journal special issues for after conference publications
  • Award for the best paper presentation: 500 euros
  • Award for best business video or presentation: 500 euros